NetBeans 11.3 is Shaping up Nicely
One month has passed since NetBeans 11.2 had been released. There are 82 new PR-s made it to the master branch so far. We usually have a, not necessary intentional, "theme" for each release. I’d say the theme is for 11.3 is: "Remove the Rust".
Our code and libraries spent long time in the transit. Many of our modules were still compiling against Java 1.6 and/or used ancient versions of third party libraries. 11.3 improved a lot on this front and there are still many PR are in the queue to carry that on. Without trying to be complete, here is a small list of changes what’s coming:
Jgit Library Update
ASM, PostgreSQL, JUnit5 and Other Library Updates.
PHP Fixes
HTML Lexer Stability Improvements
JSF 2.3 Support
Gradle Tooling 6.0
Several Cleanups, Remove Compile Warnings
On the UI Side:
Return of Dark Metal and Dark Nimbus Look and Feel
Experimental support for Flatlaf Look and Feel
On Gradle Side:
Test Output is Channeled Back to the IDE
Added Project Reload Action
Elephant Icons Finally Replace the old Ones