What’s NekoBean
NekoBean came from Japanese Speaking Community. It is a mascot of Apache NetBeans Community. (Neko means a cat in Japanese.)

NekoBean by カネウチカズコ(Kazuko Kaneuchi) is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 2.1 Japan License. As for use, please confirm about credit.
About Credit
You must follow Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 2.1 Japan License. If your use falls under any of the following, you can relax credit and use images.
You can use images without credit if you use them in NetBeans' sites (e.g.
In the case of personal use, you can use images without credit if you use them without modifying and editing them. (In this case, modifying and editing don’t mean scaling them and modifying their backgrounds. i.e. You can scale them and modify their backgrounds.)
If you use images without credit, please add the link of this page( if possible.