Apache NetBeans
Apache NetBeans
Latest release

Apache NetBeans 24


How do I make my Node have a submenu on its popup menu?

  • Override getActions() of your Node subclass.

  • Create a custom subclass of javax.swing.Action which implements the interface Presenter.Popup.

  • Return a JMenu with whatever you want on it from getPopupPresenter().

  • Return that action in the array of actions from getActions().

How do I make my Node have a submenu with context-sensitive action on its popup menu?

First here is the action for the submenu. The action is registered to the project context menu. It uses the Presenter.Popup interface to register itself as a submenu. In the getPopupPresenter() method the submenu is assembled via Utilities.actionsForPath.

        category = "MyActions",
        id = "de.markiewb.netbeans.sample.PopupAction"
        displayName = "#CTL_PopupAction", lazy = false
    @ActionReference(path = "Projects/Actions")
@Messages("CTL_PopupAction=I am a submenu")
public final class PopupAction extends AbstractAction implements ActionListener, Presenter.Popup {

    public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {

    public JMenuItem getPopupPresenter() {
        JMenu main = new JMenu(Bundle.CTL_PopupAction());
        List<? extends Action> actionsForPath = Utilities.actionsForPath("Actions/MyActions/SubActions");
        for (Action action : actionsForPath) {
        return main;

In the previous code snippet Utilities.actionsForPath has been used to resolve action(s) at Actions/MyActions/SubActions. Here is a context sensitive action, which is registered at this location.

        category = "MyActions/SubActions",
        id = "de.markiewb.netbeans.sample.HelloProjectsAction"
        displayName = "#CTL_HelloProjectsAction"
public final class HelloProjectsAction implements ActionListener {

    private final List context;

    public HelloProjectsAction(List context) {
        this.context = context;

    public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent ev) {
        JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, context.size() + " projects selected: " + context);

How to create a context-aware submenu?

The requirement: "The submenu should be only enabled, when exactly two project nodes are selected. Only if this condition is true, the submenu items should be displayed."

See the following sample code. The most important part of the popup action is to emulate a context-aware action using a lookup listener.

        category = "MyActions",
        id = "de.markiewb.netbeans.sample.ContextAwarePopupAction"
        displayName = "#CTL_ContextAwarePopupAction", lazy = false
    @ActionReference(path = "Projects/Actions")
@Messages("CTL_ContextAwarePopupAction=I am a context-aware submenu")
public final class ContextAwarePopupAction extends AbstractAction implements ActionListener, Presenter.Popup {

    private final Lookup.Result<Project> result;
    private final transient LookupListener lookupListener;

    public ContextAwarePopupAction() {
        putValue(NAME, Bundle.CTL_ContextAwarePopupAction());
        //disabled by default - at loading time
        //create an action, which is only enabled when exactly 2 projects are selected
        result = Utilities.actionsGlobalContext().lookupResult(Project.class);
        this.lookupListener = new LookupListener() {

            public void resultChanged(LookupEvent ev) {
                final Runnable runnable = new Runnable() {

                    public void run() {
                        int s = result.allInstances().size();
                        ContextAwarePopupAction.this.setEnabled(s == 2);
                // to make sure that it will be executed on EDT
                if (EventQueue.isDispatchThread()) {
                } else {
        result.addLookupListener(WeakListeners.create(LookupListener.class, this.lookupListener, result));

    public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {

    public JMenuItem getPopupPresenter() {
        JMenu main = new JMenu(this);
        List<? extends Action> actionsForPath = Utilities.actionsForPath("Actions/MyActions/SubActions");
        for (Action action : actionsForPath) {
        return main;