Apache NetBeans
Apache NetBeans
Latest release

Apache NetBeans 25


How to convert an ANT-based NetBeans Module to a Maven-based NetBeans Module?

The following list was created while converting a simple plugin with less than 20 classes, so the migration steps of large projects might vary. But you should get the basic idea.

  • create a new maven based NBM using the "New Project"-wizard (to reuse a working configuration)

  • copy the folder src and pom.xml to the old project

  • in pom.xml

  • define a groupId

  • set the name from OpenIDE-Module-Name entry in Bundle.properties

  • set the artifactid from OpenIDE-Module entry in MANIFEST.MF

  • set the version from OpenIDE-Module-Specification-Version entry in MANIFEST.MF

  • remove the line with OpenIDE-Module-Specification-Version entry from MANIFEST.MF

  • remove the line with OpenIDE-Module entry from MANIFEST.MF

  • remove nbproject/genfiles.properties

  • remove nbproject/platform.properties

  • remove nbproject/build-impl.xml

  • remove build.xml

  • move manifest.mf to folder src/main/nbm

  • move your sources (*.java) to src/main/java (or src/test/java) (GIT is very useful here, the commit history isn’t lost)

  • move your resources (not *.java) to src/main/resources (or src/test/resources) (especially Bundle.properties)

  • add dependencies (the most annoying part)

  • foreach dependency entry (code-name-base) in nbproject/project.xml add a dependency via the "Add dependency" dialog OR add a dependency manually to pom.xml

For example use




(!) Note that the dots in the dependency name have to replaced by a dashes

  • add test dependenciesFor example use




There is still more to do. Like to configure export packages, signing, homepage and so one. Most of these configuration settings defined in the original project.properties have a counterpart in the plugin configuration of the nbm-maven-plugin. See the detailed goal documentation at http://mojo.codehaus.org/nbm-maven/nbm-maven-plugin/nbm-mojo.html